Jennifer Rash Ministries
My Passion for Writing
I have loved to write since I was a child, writing short stories, poetry and even including my own illustrations. I enjoyed taking creative writing classes in high school, experimenting with all types of writing. I have journaled since I was a young teen, expressing the deepest feelings of my heart, processing life, and recording my daily journey.
At age 22, I gave my heart to the Lord and my writing along with my journaling changed. My journaling took on the form of expressing the things the Lord was speaking to my heart as I studied His Word and prayed. It evolved into a way to record what He was teaching me in my daily Christian walk. Journaling has always been just one of the things that have helped me to process some of my deepest hurts, lowest lows, greatest joys, and highest highs. It has been both cleansing and healing.

In my twenties and thirties, I wrote Sunday school lessons and sermons as my husband and I worked with hundreds of teenagers in youth ministry. As I was in Bible school, I wrote essays and papers, not quite as exciting… Within my years of Women’s ministry, not only have I written numerous sermons but also blogs, articles, and weekly online lessons. During a few of those years, I wrote for the Examiner, an online newspaper. I was their Greenville Christian Living Examiner.
Today, I am still just as passionate about women’s ministry. I still write sermons and am passionate about preaching the Word of God, but these past few years the Lord has been urging me to live my writing dream and share my writing with the world! I have had writing in my heart for a very long time. The responsibilities of being a wife, raising a family, and serving in ministry alongside my husband had me believing that it was never the right season for me to step out. I have started many writing projects, only to put them on the shelf for a time. In this season, the Lord has prompted me to step out and finish those books! My heart is full and overflowing. My pen is on fire. I am eager to share with you all of the many things that are on my heart in hopes that they will bless you in some way.
In 2016, I released a 31-day devotional book for wives of all ages, entitled The Path to Becoming a Proverbs 31 Wife. The Lord used this book so powerfully that requests came pouring in from those wanting to use the book for a group study. They were asking for a leader's guide and in July of 2017, the Leadership Guide for Group Study was released. As I traveled speaking to groups extensively, a demand for a men's edition became more and more evident. In October of 2018, the men's companion book, written by both myself and my husband, was released. Together, The Path to Becoming a Proverbs 31 Wife and Husbands Step Up Your Game: Lead. Love. Build. Fight. - have become powerful tools and resources for building strong, healthy, thriving marriages. In May of 2022, I released my latest devotional book entitled UnStuck: I've Found the Recipe for Being Happy. Stay tuned... I am at work on my next project and cannot wait to share it with you.