Jennifer Rash Ministries
My Testimony

I grew up in New York, like many of you, in a dysfunctional home. Looking for love and validation in all the wrong places, I left home at eighteen. Even at a young age, I had many strongholds in my life. Doors were opened in my childhood to things that would hold me captive. As I ventured out on my own, I opened more doors that would create further bondage in my life. At age nineteen, I had experienced more than most young ladies my age. Before I was twenty, I had already been married and divorced. I was on a path to self-destruction.
I continued in cycles and patterns because I did not know any other way. I wasn’t a bad person. I was merely lost. In fact, during these years, I would have dreams of wandering down city streets only to come to one dead end after another. All night long I would be walking and walking, never finding my way. These were recurring dreams and I would awake with a feeling of absolute exhaustion. Life without Christ is exhausting, isn’t it?
Finally, at age 22, I found the Way. In August of 1988, I gave my heart to the Lord and began to experience the transforming power of God in every area of my life. It has been one exciting journey. The ups and downs, the highs and lows, and the twists and turns, have all been used by God to bring me into the most treasured, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. I have been on a non-stop growth journey. Along the way, every stronghold was broken. Within each step, an incredible freedom, peace and joy has been realized. Through the years, I have truly experienced the transforming power of Jesus Christ. It is the reason that I write. My mission is to share the gospel and the reality of the transforming power of God, that other’s might also experience His power and be forever changed.