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Recipe Cards

When something stands out to me in the Word of God, I love to read it from multiple translations. And it was the Message translation that inspired me the most where Philippians 4:12 was concerned. From the Message Bible, the verse reads, "I've found the recipe for being happy..." My heart felt warm and fuzzy when I read these words. Why? Because I have found that recipe, too! Upon getting ahold of this scripture, I felt the Lord prompting me to write scriptures on recipe cards in my personal devotional time. I strategically placed these cards on my desk, on my kitchen windowsill, and in my bag that I carry to work. Not only did I find myself picking up pretty recipe cards from local stores to use in my quiet time with the Lord, but I created and designed a few myself. And I would love to share a few of them with you! These are free printables. Just download these 4x6 cards, print them on cardstock, and write your favorite scriptures on them. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did! The Word of God is filled with recipes for success and happiness, food for your spirit and your soul! 

I also found some beautiful free printable recipe cards on this website -
You can even type the "recipe" on many of the cards before printing! 

I'm thanking you, GOD, from a full heart, I'm writing the book on your wonders. I'm whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I'm singing your song, High God. - Psalm 9:1-2

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